Manskensman - Vintersorg

I gnistors regn binds en krans
En cirkel sl_ten av stjarnors glans
Fran fjarranhet, fran dunkel sfar
I tockenvirvlarnas atmosfar
Nu rider de fran pol till pol
Mot rymdens tinnar, mot slocknad sol
I molnens huld, blott fjarran an
De hogtidsmantlade manskensman

Med spand bage och blankande dolk
Dessa luftgudar fardas over himlens lykta
I nattens klang, den oforstallda tolk
Langs vintergatans bana ses de flykta

Eldkvastar fran valnadshast
"Beinga till oss, din hedersgast"
Han som over manen styr
Och stormorkesternas uvertyr

Likt blodfargad rubin
Ar manskensmannens blickar
Med lomska solvargsgrin
Langs himlakartan de drar
De bar pa nattens arv
Som smeksamt oss bestickar
I andlost tidevarv
Hor! Varldsalltets fanfar

Fran Orions balte de drar sin banestav
Och nedstiger mot granskogsbrynen
Sen urminnes tid de vevat jordens nav
Fran stjarnfirmamentet skankt hembyggdssynen
"Och ridande gladiatorer mot skyn ater lyfte
De aro formorkade solskensandar med det hogre syfte"

[English translation:]

M_onshine Men

In rain of sparks is a wreath bound
A circle closed by the lustre of stars
From the distance, from dark sphere
In the atmosphere of the hazy whirls
Now they ride from pole to pole
Towards space's pinnacles, towards expired sun
In the grace of clouds, only distant yet
The solemnly mantled m_onshine men

With drawn bow and shining dagger
These air gods travel over the sky's lantern
In the night's clang, the unfeigned interpreter
Along the Milky Way's path they are seen fly

Bouquets of fire from phantom horse
"Bring to us, your guest of honour"
He who rules over the moon
And the storm orchestras' overture

Like blood coloured ruby
Are the m_onshine men's gazes
With sly sun wolf grins
They go along the sky's map
They carry the heritage of the night
Which caressingly knits us
In endless age
Hear! The fanfar of the Universe

They draw their bane-staff from Orion's belt
And decend towards the edges of spruce forests
Since immemorial times they have turned earth's hub
From the star-firmament gifted the native country's sight

"And riding gladiators rose again towards the sky
They are darkened sunshine spirits with the higher purpose"

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