Invocation of Naamah - Therion

Choir singing by: The North German Radio Choir)In the glory of thy sparkingMight reflect the world itsEssence.O Naamah, let the pillar ofExistence break down and givePlace to the gloom that emanatesFrom thou.We reach for thy loreThou Babilons whoreThou scarlet woreRiding the beastBabilon,Lilith through NammahGuardian of DreamsLet thy water flowMay we come forth through theMirror and become one with thyAbundance.LEPACA NAAMAH AMA RUACH MASKIMROSARANWe reach for thy loreThou Babilons whoreThou scarlet woreRiding the beastBabilon,Lilith through NammahGuardian of DreamsLet thy water flowNaamah daughter of thy heart ofDarkness, emerge from the wombOf the night .Come in your blazing garb andOpen up your eyes to the concealed.Open your self and bring forthThe shades as hover in theUnknown up against us.Let your black fires emerge overThe threshold and bestow to usFrom your might.May we come forth through theMirror and become one with thyAbundance.

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