Doubting Thomas - Independent Sheep

I have been here for so long,
Yet I?ve got so much of my life to live.
I wish that I could leave,
See what there is beyond me.
Everyday my thoughts are invaded
By these doubts that tear me up inside.
Every time I just push them away
Because I just don?t want to deal with them.
I panic for I know that I have no answer
And I know I never will be sure.

I know it?s wrong.
But I can?t shake the feeling
That I?m being led astray.
I know it?s wrong
But I can?t shake the feeling
That this is all there is.
Fragile is this life we live,
No one second is guaranteed.
How can we make it worthwhile?
How can we justify our living over another?
How can we get rid of this voice in the back of our head?
How is it that we can keep on,
Just repeating, ?ignorance is bliss??
That is just soothing bullsh_t,
That people tell themselves just to get through the day.
Well, I don?t want to live that way.
I won?t live that way.
I want an answer,
A solid rock that I can stand on.
Something that can make this noise go away.

I know it?s wrong
But I can?t shake the feeling
That I?m being led astray.
I know it?s wrong
But I can?t shake the feeling
That this is all there is.

How can anyone be sure?
Uncertainty is the only sure thing.
(whispered) Ignorance is bliss
I need to know
I need to set my mind at ease
(whispered) Ignorance is bliss
I won?t just walk through this life mindless
Until the day I die.
(whispered) Ignorance is bliss
I can?t enjoy this life knowing this is it
And that these few years is my only reward.
(whispered) Ignorance is bliss
Why does anything matter?
Nothing really matters.

Ignorance is bliss.

view 3,364 times, source by bigpapa
