What How When Where (Why Who) - Ani Difranco

what what what what what did you think you were doing?
how how how how how did you think this would go?
when when when when when
you showed up on my radar
where where where where
where did you think you would show?
what what what what what
do you make of this station
how how how how how
it pulls away from the train?
when when when when when
if at all will you realize
where where where where where
do and done are the same?
what what what what what
now you're out in the open
how how how how how
do you think you can hide?
when when when when when
will you find some nice soft sand
where where where where where
you can bury your pride?
what what what what what
do you want from this lifetime?
how how how how how
does your story line flow?
when when when when when
you finally get to the punch line
where where where where where
will the applause sign go?
and why why why why why
don't you just take your bow
cuz who's gonna love you now?

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