Epynt - Super Furry Animals

Epynt, Epynt
Mae'r dewis yn dod yn gynt ac yn gynt
Wyt ti isho brenhines Neu hen awdures?

Epynt, Epynt
Calonnau'n curo yn gynt ac yn gynt
Wyt ti isho dyfodol?
Neu dim ond gorffennol?

Gwario, gwario
Beth sy'n well gen ti wario, wario?
Dy blastig neu bapur
Neu dim o gwbl

Dewis, dewis
Dyro i mi fy newis, newis
Dw i'n dewis dim, Dim dime, dim


?/punt, ?/punt
The choice is coming faster and faster
Do you want a queen or an old authoress?

?/punt, ?/punt
Hearts are beating faster and faster
Do you want the future?
Or just the past?

Spending, spending
What's better with you spending, spending
Your plastic or paper
Or nothing at all

Choosing, choosing
Give me my choice, my choice
I choose nothing, no dime, nothing

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