Cultivated Ignorance - Atomic Potato

A farmer in his field trying to plant the seed of fear.
but he'll double profits with hate, it grows great this time of year.
That's how you gain control, you make them hostile and afraid.
Make bigots out of kids who were only concerned about getting laid.
If the terror alert is red that should mean that we're all dead
But instead we leave our beds and spend money to protect our heads.
When the news makes you more ignorant, tell me who's to blame
It's more like we're a field of crops and every patch has a name

Cultivating ignorance is the only way to run the show
The more news you watch the less you really know
Unplug your television, and f_ck that sh_t, let go outside
And maybe Beck and O'Reilly will commit ritual suicide.

Ted Haggard is an asshole, who let this d_ckhead preach to you
He's anti-gay, so he can have his fag and f_ck it too
Ann Coulter's a b_tch and I read about a page of one of her books
She's a cunt in name and spirit, and with her face, I'd say looks
It's not journalism when you call a candidate a fag
Her eggs kill themselves, that's why she's always on the rag.
I hope Hannity gets waterboarded because he's a f_cking prick
I can't wait for Cheney to shoot Glenn in the face, with his D_ck

Cultivating ignorance is the only way to run the show
The more news you watch the less you really know
Unplug your television, quit falling for that sh_t and read a book
I'd like to see Murdock convince the world he's not a crook.

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