Indonesia - August Burns Red

This plane's going down in flames, and this
time there's no black box to capture your last
words. A situation we can't make any sense
of. Sacrifice costs all of us everything. This
is the time to turn down our heads and turn
up our hearts. There's no scale to balance
this out. Some say may those who curse
days, curse this day. How does a man wrap
his mind around eternity, when he can't even
explain his own composition? Don't you see
it's bigger than you? He sleeps in the moun-
tains of Indonesia, and the white on his flag
brings colors to shame. The earth will swal-
low the water. The clouds refill the oceans.
Old mountains will crumble, and stronger
ones will rise. This is the portrait of the
humble and broken. This plane crashed down
in flames with a man who lived, who died, to
better this world. David, rest in peace.

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