Ave Dreamer - Benjamin Clementine

(Going on and on an on
On and on and on
On and on and on and on
And on and on and on
For me... and for you)

Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer

Hey dreamer
Hey dreamer
Hey dreamer
Oh yeah
Since dreams can be
What will you want to be?
"Well I'll be a dragonfly"
Said the bumblebee
"How about you, housefly?"
Asked the horsefly
"Well give me a flying horse
And I'll be satisfied"

Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer

Hey dreamer
Hey dreamer
I'm sorry for interfering with your presence
So we've been told
We're currently in existence
Centuries are coming
As pleasantries linger on
I am sure you're aware
Of the current happenings
So we've been told
Not to do the dancing
Chance the rhythm of hard beats
Chance and chance 'til beaten
So how do I describe it then?
They say I'm a boy and you're a girl
We laugh some, hate some
And that's about it really

Barbarians, barbarians, barbarians
Barbarians, barbarians, barbarians
The barbarians are coming
Dreamers, dreamers, dreamers
Will the dreamers stay strong?
(Dreamers, dreamers, dreamers)
(Barbarians, barbarians, barbarians)
Barbarians are coming
(Barbarians, barbarians, barbarians)
The barbarians are coming
(Dreamers, dreamers, dreamers)
But will the dreamers stay strong?
(Dreamers, dreamers, dreamers)
Will they?

Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer
Ave dreamer

view 293 times
