Cross My Heart, Hope To Die - Fordirelifesake

Remember when I gave everything. And you finally came around. It?s not going to work that way this time. You forgot, I forgave, you moved on. What can I do when words can?t count the tears for my eyes? Or the smiles that were once on your face. So, beautiful, so perfect everyway. Nothing I could will ever change, anything at all. Everything with us depended on those smiles, or those words. I tried everything I could think of. I guess I fell to far behind, or maybe I just can?t think of anything to make you think twice. You?re still here, behind my reflection, ahead of my tears, in my shadow. Near the face you showed me in the moon, saving me from myself and my helplessness. What can I do when words can?t count the tears for my eyes? Alone, and I could never see another way. Just taking this for granted everyday. Your eyes keep pretending you?re awake. That smile has never felt the same. I?m still lost and you know it.

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