Black Chick, White Guy - Kid Rock

Black chick white guy
Does it mean sh_t maybe
I don't know but yo it never phased me
But either way heres one tale
Of two like that and what prevailed
It started way back in the 8th grade
In the small old town where the two both stayed
He came from a family of middle class
Where everything he did he always had to ask
She came from a place that was so alone
You know the same old tail of a broken home
Her momma was an alkie (sp?) and more like a friend
Had three different kids from three different men
And that's just the way sh_t was
Couldn't change it couldn?t rearrange it so there it was
Anyway the two kept on
With the phone calls notes and so on and so on
And after the bullsh_t and whatten

That day came the two started f_ckin'
All the time you know kids habit's
Every single day f_ckin' like rabbits
Sneakin out the car when he was 15
Climbin' in the window and f_ckin' all night see
F_ckin' after lunch in the junior high bathrooms
Drinking champagne and trippin' on mushrooms
His d_ck was metal her p_ssy was a magnet
9th grade came ?I'm pregnant?
Sh_t got frantic and man oh Lord it was a tuff decision
But they decided to abort it
It might have been right it might have been wrong
But one thing's for sure it really f_cked his head up
Where is it who is it how is it was it right
These are the things he thought in bed at night
A lot of people might laugh at this
But f_ck 'em they don't know the half of it

Ain't no sunshine when you're low
I'm low
People tell me life's a game I'm not playin'
B_tches don't mean sh_t to me anymore
I have taken my blows I'm still standin'

Now as time went on the the two kept on
They kept seeing each other off and on
See she moved to the city and you know what happened
Black chick with a real whiteaccent
Pretty girl in the ghetto go figure
Yeah she got macked by some dope dealin' nigger
Still seein' that other kid on the side
She kept most of her thoughts inside
See all the first guy did was just love her
While that punk mother f_cker used to beat her and punch her
She was livin' all wild
I think all she ever wanted was the love of her own child
She asked the first guy to have his baby
He looked at her like she must be crazy
He was makin' records and goin' on tour
20,000 people hip hoppin on the floor
And all that while she sat at home and got macked
If she stepped out of line she got slapped
And then one day she prayed to the Lord to take that guy away
And he did he got caught with a loaded gun
And went to jail but first she had his son
Ooohh and now what to do
She had no man no money and no clue
Now the other guy came back from tourin'
And she called him up early one mornin'
They hooked up her mind was blown
As he began to raise her son as his own
And that's a lot of sh_t to deal with man
And if you ain't been there you wouldn't understand
And people still laugh at this sh_t
F_ck 'em they don't know the half of it

Ain't no sunshine when you're low
I'm low
People tell me life's a game I'm not playin'
B_tches don't mean sh_t to me anymore
I have taken my blows I'm still standin'

Now for the next year there was some good times
A few bad times mostly good times
See he was a ramblin' man to the bone
He liked women and wine and he loved to roam
Not like she was any kind of Saint

See in this story there's a lot of red paint
But time kept slippin' and made her crazy
And she talked about havin' another baby
The guy was like ooh Lord
We got one now that we can't afford
But she convinced she could handle two
Said I want your child or I'm you
I can't figure out why then he didn't run
I guess he was attached to her and her son
All confused about what to do
That girl met another guy and was f_ckin' him too
Could barely pay her rent
And then the same old sh_t ?I'm pregrant?
And if that ain't some sh_t cuz
The girl didn't even know who the father was
And still by her side the first guy stayed
Head gettin' more f_cked by the day
He stuck it out for nine months I don't know why
And then a little girl on the Fourth of July
Was born in the front seat of his car
It was amazing
Kinda like a shooting star
He was happy told his family and friends
Only to realize later his little girl wasn't his
And that crushed him quick
Suicidal thoughts were in his head real thick
But before he found all that out
From the same chick another kid popped out
And that sh_t's real ill
Girl told him that she was takin' the f_ckin' pill
She must have known all along
The little girl wasn't his and she was tryin' to latch on
Three different kids from three different men
History repeats itself again
And after some more sh_t got stirred
He kicked that b_tch to the curb
And now from her he's got a little boy that makes him laugh a bit
And he loves him
But still you don?t know the f_ckin' half of it

Ain't no sunshine when you're low
I'm low
People tell me life's a game I'm not playin'
B_tches don?t mean sh_t to me anymore
I have taken my blows I'm still standin'
I'm still standin'
I'm still standin'
I'm still standin'

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