Facing That - M83

Radio chatter
It's back, maybe the instruments failed and maybe they didn't, there's only one way to find out
It wasn't your fault, Ellen . . . but make sure you get the reports to Washington before morning
Yes sir
Tell them to bring the satellite down for a full examination . . . Pete, can you handle recovery procedure all right by yourself?
All I have to do is wait until 43 North, push a couple b_ttons?
White is going to want to know where she went and why, that's going to mean examination of every instrument on board. Before anything else goes wrong, I'm heading home

This is Anderson, acknowledge. Where are you? . . . yes, yes . . . it's true, I am your only friend, nobody even knows you exist, but they will . . . it'll be the greatest day in the history of mankind
Come to bed, Tom

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