Come Take A Trip In My Airship - Natalie Merchant

I love a sailor, a sailor loves me. He comes every night to my home
He's not a sailor who sails on the sea over the wild briny foam
For he owns an airship that sails upon high.
He's just like a bird on the wing.
And every evening when shadows draw nigh,
he will come to my window and sing.
Come take a ride in my air-ship. Come take a trip to the stars.
Come take a ride a-round Ven-us. Come take a trip a-round Mars.
No One to watch while we're kis-sing. No one to see while we spoon.
Come take a ride in my air-ship and we'll vi-sit the man in the moon.

One night while out sail-ing a-way from the stars
We passed through the milk-y white way.
Just i-dly sail-ing and watch-ing the stars
he asked me if I'd name the day.
Right near the dip-per I gave him my heart.
The sun shines on our hon-ey-moon.
We swore to each oth-er we
nev-er would part and we'd teach all our bab-ies this tune

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