Relativity Invitation - Neil Young

Gary: "So the Kingdom of Heaven is a new kingdom and in order to get familiar with the king you have to live the life. So when you get in tune with the words of the kingdom, the you get to understan what the words are."
Neil: "So you're sdaying that all of a sudden it could just happen to me?"
Gary: "Well... Relativity Invitation."
Neil: "Relative to the invitation?"
Gary: "Relativity Invitation."
Neil: "Relativity Invitation."
Gary: "What strikes you when I say that?"
Neil: "Relativity Invitation... I dunno it just sounds like poor words to me."
Gary: "well, if you get dominoes and you stand em up all, one after the other and you push one, they'll all fall down in like a relative way.
Neil: "Yeah?"
Gary: "So humans all in contact with one and another, thoughts come and go..."
Neil: "Yeah?"
Gary: "So... all things are related, see one though spoken by another person may inspire a thought in another person, so relativity invitation."
Neil: "Yeah I can dig that, but what does that have to do with Jesus?"
Gary: "Well Jesus is life, the way and the truth, it's like..."
Neil: "Is he the only life?"
Gary: "For me he is."

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