Multitude of Casualties - The Hold Steady

She drove it like she stole it
She stole it fast and with a multitude of casualties
She said i shipped it out from Boulder
Packed in coffee grounds and wrapped around in dryer sheets
We spent a few months just wandering the Sonoma
High as hell and shivering and smashed
We were trying for a vision quest we opened up three b_ttons
And all we saw was desert trash
It's a funny bit of chemistry
How a cool car makes a guy seem that much cooler
It's worth noting throughout history
Kids come around corners to a multitude of casualties
We spent a few hours circling the city
Like a hawk on he highways we were looking round for something that just died
We heard the deacon's hopeful eulogy
At least in dying you don't have to deal with new wave for a second time
After your party we got off the grid
We just couldn't get with all the clever kids
Now we forage on the frontage roads
We drive at nites I guess it just feels somewhat safer
We scrounge around for sustenance
We mostly eat in the back half of the theaters
We spent a few years nodding off in matinees
High as hell and shivering and smashed
We were hoping for an action adventure
Something loud that we could feel thru all the Feminax
After the movie we got off the ground
Got in your car and crawled around in Lowertown
While she was at the citadel he was getting high as hell
While he came to in the matinee she was asking round for someplace else to stay
While he was down in Lowertown she was feeling out the 5:30 folk mass
And the nite that she got born again he was getting with her little hoodrat friend
They did wade in the water into one tin soldier and she started to cry
Youth services always finds a way to get their bloody cross into your druggy little messed up teenage life

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