I've Got Friends That Do - Tim McGraw

This is for the nobody
The one in the crowd who's got a
Lost look on his face
This is for the down trotted
The one that the worlds forgotten

Waitin' on a better day
Well, I'm in no position to judge him
Heaven knows they're just like me

And I'm not alone and knowing what it's like
To wonder where you're going in this crazy life
And I'm not alone, knowing how it feels

To pray to God and sometimes wonder if he's real
'Cause I got friends that do, yeah, I got friends that do

This is for the lost junkie
Who spends all his hard earned money
On something that he hates
And this is for the found guilty
Who ain't getting out until he

Pays his debt to the state
I'm in no position to judge him
Heaven knows it could have been me
And I may not know what it's like
To lose your job 'cause a habit's got gripped too tight

And I may not know how it feels
To lay your head down on a prison bed in a world of steel
I got friends that do, yeah, I got friends that do
This is for yours truly

Just a little verse to remind me
We've all got somewhere to turn
And I may not know what it's like

To send my only soul to save the world and watch him die
And I may not know how it feels
To hang there on the cross to prove that love is real

But I got friends that do, yeah, I got friends that do
Yeah, I got friends that do
We know we all got friends that do

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